Stamping Ground, KY
Preserving The Past Preparing For The FutureStamping Ground was named for noise – the stamping of thousands of hooves of impatient buffalo waiting to drink from Buffalo Spring. This bowl-shaped basin set amidst rich farmland is one of Kentucky's three major "Stamping Grounds" sitting at the junction of trails used by migrating herds.
In 1775, trailblazers Will McConnell and Charles LeCompte discovered Buffalo Spring and called it Buffalo Stamping Ground . It is located on an ancient migratory path the Native Americans called alant-i-wamiowee, or buffalo path – a wide swath of land cut into the forest that has left a permanent imprint at the spring. Also used by the Mount Builders and, later, pioneer settlers, it is likely the roadbed that forms the way toward Georgetown.
Where The Buffalo Roamed
Meeting Minutes
Pride Of Our Community's Businesses
Bake Shoppe
Misfits on Mane
Rumpke is excited to serve you again!
On April 26, Rumpke purchased certain waste collection assets of Wellman Waste Services. Wellman transitioned its customers to Rumpke, and the Rumpke team started servicing on April 29. Several Wellman team members joined Rumpke and are helping to make this a seamless transition so you continue to receive a high level of service.
50th anniversary of the 1974 Tornado that hit Stamping Ground
April 3rd 2024 marks 50 years since the most violent tornado outbreak ever recorded, with 30 F4F5 confirmed tornadoes. Some experts say it's the greatest tornado outbreak in U.S. history
Upcoming Events
July 4th Annual Parade
Come join us for the annual July 4th Parade on Main Street in Stamping Ground, KY. Lots of good floats with goodies being tossed. Interested in having a float in […]
Buffalo Daze Festival
Each year, Stamping Ground hosts a small festival featuring arts and crafts, specialty items, food, and fun. This year the festival will be set-up at Buffalo Square, which is located […]
Halloween Trick-or-Treat
Come one come all for a wonderful night of trick-or-treating. You will find homes, churches, businesses, and event trunk-or-treaters set-up to give your children that one thing they cannot get […]
Annual Christmas Parade of Lights
Once again, Stamping Ground will host the Annual Christmas Parade of Lights. Sit back and watch as numerous floats and vehicles go by with lovely Christmas lights, music, and images […]