Streets & Public Works


Streets Department

The Street Department shall oversee the maintenance, paving striping and other issues relating to city streets. The Street Department shall work with the Police Department regarding speed limits, parking, and other motor vehicle enforcement issues.

The Commission Member overseeing this department shall also serve as liaison for the city with the appropriate county, state and federal transportation departments who may have interest in streets or roadways that come within the city limits. This Commission Member shall also maintain city limit signs, traffic signs, sidewalks and crosswalks. This Commission Member seeks, or assists other Commission Members, and applies for grants applicable to this Department or the City. This Commission Member seeks, or assists other Commission Members, and applies for grants applicable to this Department or the City.


Public Works Department

The Public Works Department shall oversee the use of city resources not assigned to other departments, such as the city park. The Public Works Department shall also oversee the maintenance of city property, act as liaison with Georgetown Municipal Water and Sewer Service, and develop and implement city improvement strategies, such as beautification, drainage, etc.

This Commission Member seeks, or assists other Commission Members, and applies for grants applicable to this Department or the City.

Mayor Pro Tem Billy Swartz Streets Commissioner